This is our site map page that outlines how the web site is set out. Its designed for two purposes – firstly to ensure anyone can easily search our site and secondly to allow google and other search engines to understand how our site is laid out so they can present it effectively. One of the odd things about search engine optimisation is that you get marked down if you have less than 300 words on a particular page, so this section is here not only to explain the purpose of the page, but also to ensure that there are at least 300 words on the page. It does seem rather odd that google in its infinite wisdom cant recognise a site map page and exclude it from the count, or maybe it can and this extended paragraph is therefore not needed. Either way I’m not taking the risk.

So what is the site about?

This is a web site that explains the facilities and attractions of the holiday cottages called “les Gites du Sanglier” a small hamlet of holiday cottages created on an old farm in the heart of Brittany. They are surrounded by fields and are beautifully tranquil. Every year the owners add more facilities to enhance the offering.

These are things we are thinking of adding – let us know your thoughts:

Games room
In-ground covered swimming pool
Stand alone bedroom and teenagers suite complete with TV and playstation

In 2022 we plan to finish renovating our house (Chataigne) and this will then be available for limited lets over the summer and Christmas only and we also plan to finish renovating Chene and adding a private swimming pool (summer use only) to create our most luxurious cottage


What else would you like to see? Use our contact page to let us know


This page provides an easy way to navigate around the site

Keeping you safe on the web:

We use the following we site to periodically check that our site security is working well - the site checks your https status and highlights changes you need to make to keep up to date with the latest security requirements: 

We use the following site to periodically check for broken links 

We use the following site to generate our microdata code